Flow style practices that Move fluidly as you connect movement to breath.

Flow, Play, Thrive To Feel Alive
Following on from yesterday's practice, today we revisit some of the poses to have another go through a different flow and journey.
Flow To Thrive In Dancers Pose
It's THRIVE week! We Move into some different poses, some new movements around our mat and have fun whilst we do it.
Full Body Move, Flow, Hold & Stretch
Enjoy this full body Move, flow, hold and stretch. A little bit of everything to invite us into our 17th day of our journey. 
Strong Flow To Open The Heart & Invite Balance
An energising flow to open the heart and find strength in standing balance.
Strengthen The Shoulders To Fly | Eka Pada Koundinyasana II
Welcome to this practice to open and strengthen the shoulders, and work towards our Eka Para Koundinyasana.
Rejuvenate & Energise Full Body Flow
Ignite some fire through the whole of your body and soul with this powerful 30 minute flow.