Full Moon Yin Yoga
This yin yoga practice is a perfect moment to give yourself around the cosmic energies this week, encouraging you to release what is no longer serving you or who you want to be.
Seated Yoga Stretch To Feel Your Best
Join me for 15 minutes for this perfectly packaged practice to move, stretch out and feel your best.
Meditation To Look Inward & See
Look inward, grounding into the HERE & NOW as we give ourselves permission to really dream about what our future could hold for us.
Full Body Hatha Yoga Flow
Today's practice is an all levels Hatha Yoga practice, a chance to spend a little more time in the poses to feel them in your body and breathe a little deeper into them. 
Flow, Play, Thrive To Feel Alive
Following on from yesterday's practice, today we revisit some of the poses to have another go through a different flow and journey.
Flow To Thrive In Dancers Pose
It's THRIVE week! We Move into some different poses, some new movements around our mat and have fun whilst we do it.
Yin Yoga To Reflect
As we come to the end of our invite week on our journey, this yin yoga practice encourages us to reflect.
Meditation To Invite & Visualise
This meditation practice is perfect to end our INVITE week. Invite & visualise all that you want, as if you already have it.
Yoga To Flow & Fly
Today we move with a little more power as we flow to fly. Using the invitation to find strength in our body and also to challenge ourselves.
Full Body Move, Flow, Hold & Stretch
Enjoy this full body Move, flow, hold and stretch. A little bit of everything to invite us into our 17th day of our journey. 
Flow To Invite In
In this practice, we open up the chest and the hips, inviting in space for how we want to show up in the world, how we want to live our lives.
Meditation To Connect To Our Authentic Self
Your meditation to connect to your true nature, your authentic self as we close the week of discovery and exploration. 
Flow & Fly To Eagle Pose
In today's practice we are flowing our way to find our Eagle pose or Garudasana in Sanskrit.
Flow To Discover & Expand Beyond Your Boundaries
A chance to expand beyond our current boundaries, explore a little more, and perhaps discovering something new about ourselves in the way. 
Stretch & Reset To Come Back Home
Enjoy this reset where we will spend a little more time in each pose to properly stretch out.
Flow To Explore Within
Welcome to this weeks theme, of exploring our inner landscape.
Yin Yoga For Lower Body Release
Welcome to Day 5 of your Journey, and a deeply restorative and slower practice today.
Guided Meditation To Let Go Of What No Longer Serves
Today's practice is a guided meditation, a chance to find stillness, connect within, and release all that no longer serves you.
Stretch & Strengthen The Hips & Thighs
Join me on the mat for a 50 minute practice to stretch & strengthen the hips and thighs.
Flow To Open The Heart
Join me on the mat for a 40 minute yoga flow to open the heart.
Ease Into Gratitude
Today's videos is a yoga practice to ease into gratitude and intention. A moment to arrive in our bodies with some gentle movement to start our journey.
Seated Daily Yoga To Feel Your Best
Join me in this perfectly packaged practice to move, stretch out. and wake up your whole body. You don't even have to leave the floor 🙂
Yoga To Stimulate Digestion || Wake up & Detoxify
In this practice we delve deep into our twists and turns, waking up and stimulating our digestive organs.
Lower Body Stretch & Release
Through stretching and lengthening asanas, this practice focuses on releasing tension out of the lower back, legs and hips.
Yoga For A Grateful Heart
Start your day right with this beautiful heart opening practice.
Awaken The Whole Body & Soul
In this practice we begin by calming our nervous system and connecting ...
Yin Yoga To Release & Rediscover
A chance to slow down, connect back with yourself, and use your breath to delve deeper into those tight muscles and joints.
An Introduction To Belly Breath
A little guided invitation to belly breathing, others known as diaphramatic breathing or yogic breathing.
Visualisation Meditation
A meditation to cultivate and manifest the life of your dreams.
Rejuvenate & Energise Full Body Flow
Ignite some fire through the whole of your body and soul with this powerful 30 minute flow.
Meditation To Eliminate Fear and Self Doubt
This guided meditation is to stop fearing and start believing!
Online Yoga
This 5 minute meditation is perfectly designed to bring you a moment of peace and quiet in your busy schedule.
Lunch Break Reset
Enjoy this quick and lovely yoga stretch to reset in just 5 minutes.
FYDP Day 2 | Open The Shoulders & Heart
Welcome back friends to Day 2 of Finding your Inner Dancer
FYDP Day 3 | Backbends
Its day 3 of your challenge friends and today we are working your Backbends!
FYDP Day 4 | Journey To The Core
Day 4 is here lovely friends and its Journey To the Core
FYDP Day 5 | Standing Balance
We are SO close. Welcome to Day 5 yogis and in todays practice we focus on standing balancing!
FYDP Day 6 | Dancers Pose Tutorial
Its Day 6, and today you will practice finding YOUR version of YOUR Dancers Pose
An Introduction To Ujjayi Pranayama
This introduction invites you to all you need to know about the pranayama practice Ujjayi
Yoga To Release Tension in the Upper Body
In this practice we journey through some opening and twisting asanas, using our breathe to move in deeper as we make space in the upper body
Gentle Morning Yoga To Start Your Day Right
This practice is a perfect one for the weekend or when you find you have a little more time to dedicate to yourself.
Yoga To Feel Present
Start your day right with this beautiful practice. It only takes a moment to arrive exactly where you are.
Gentle Full Body Flow
Enjoy this gentle all over body yoga. This practice suits for nay time of day, and is the perfect way to gently move and breathe into your body.
Yoga For Perfect Posture
Join me as we start to open up the shoulders, stretch out the upper back, and let our chest smile to the sky again.
Daily Yoga Stretch To feel Your Best
Join me on this perfect full body stretch that you can do everyday.
Juicy Full Body Flow
Perfect to practice morning when you've just woken up, or in the evening after a day at the desk.
Seat Of The Soul Flow​
Enjoy this flow with power and purpose to target those 2 areas we always need to release!
Find Your Zen Meditation​
Allow time to create some space between you and the events of your day.
Full Body Move & Awaken
This flow promises to gently get your body moving, as you awaken your senses through a mindful flow with the breath. 
Open the Hips & Heart
A delicious flow to mobilise the hip joints, creating more space, whilst stretching the side body and opening the heart space, leaving you feeling refreshed and lifted. 
Yoga to Calm & Collect
This practice is a beautiful way to down regulate the body, wind down the mind and calm the soul. 
Yin Yoga For The Hips & Side Body
Welcome to this effective Yin practice to dive deep into the hips and crack open the side body! 
Morning Yoga Flow
This yoga practice will move your whole body, stretch you out, and leave you feeling energised and ready for the day ahead.
Full Body Yoga To Stretch, Strengthen & Balance
Stretch, Sun Salutations, Strengthen & Balance. A wonderful practice to awaken the whole body.
Yoga For Twists & Hips
Wow this practice will invigorate, strengthen and stretch you out all in one go! 
Soothe & Stretch Yoga
You don't even have to leave your bed to practice this slow and soothing stretch. Hey that rhymes 🙂 
Introduction To Pranayama ​
A brief introduction to Pranayama, what it is, and why it's so good to practice every day!
Flow For Flexibility
Enjoy this yoga flow for flexibility as we work to open the hips, ...
Candlelit Bed Time Yoga
Do this practice on your bed, designed to soften, support and send you straight to sleep! 
Full Body Stretch & Flow
Enjoy this scrumptious full body flow to get into the hips and stretch the shoulders.
Stay Seated Morning & Evening Stretch
This short stretch is perfect to add to your morning OR evening routine 
Yin Yoga For The Hips
Enjoy this class to get deeply into the hips and release any tension surrounding the joints
Flow For The Hips & Heart
Enjoy this full yoga flow to open the heart & hips. 
After Work Strong & Stretchy Flow
A strong and stretchy to flow to get you into your body after a day at your desk.
Grounding Meditation - 15
Enjoy this guided meditation to ground you into the present moment.